Highlights for Children magazine has a Hidden Pictures page we're all familiar with, having done so many at the doctors' office back in the day. I actually met the gal who did the very first Hidden Pictures art, in 1946. A sweet woman, mother and artist like myself, her name is Alice Kwett, and we shared a house (and many stories!) on the HFC grounds in Pennsylvania during one of their annual conferences

I have since started a series of my own hidden pictures, which are a bit more difficult than those for the average 8 to 10 year-old. Here's a new one I am working on, a 'School of Fish.' It’s coming along well!

I'm adding in more of the details and firming up the composition. I already have ideas for the 'hidden' items.

I love that each little guy has their own personality. Just like in a real school hallway and classroom. There are lots of fun things I can add into this scene. My imagination has a GREAT time with these types of commissions. Never a dull moment!

Stay tuned! ~ e


The Eagle Has Landed


Day 001